If your ears feel clogged and your hearing is reduced, this could very well be due to earwax buildup.

Your ears produce wax to protect the eardrums from dust and debris which could result in infection. While the wax usually just falls out by itself, it can sometimes harden or get pushed deeper into the canal. In this case, you’ll need to get professional ear wax removal such as ear syringing or microsuction removal.

Microsuction ear wax removal is a treatment that has been around for a long time. It has increased in popularity over the years as patients prefer the experience and more medical professionals become certified to carry it out.

In this article, we’re going to be taking a closer look at microsuction ear wax removal and when you may need it. Also, we’ll be looking at the main benefits of this method to see how it compares to private ear syringing.

What are the most common reasons for ear wax buildup?

Although often it’s just due to natural excess wax production, some of the most common reasons for ear wax blockage can also include:

  • Using cotton buds for ear cleaning, which can push wax deep inside the canal

  • Inserting other objects into your ear canal

  • Frequently wearing in-ear headphones

  • Wearing a hearing aid

How to know if you need ear wax removal

A doctor is best placed to decide whether you need this treatment. Here are some of the main symptoms to look out for:

  • A mild earache

  • Tinnitus or ringing inside your ear

  • A clogged feeling or a feeling of fullness

  • Dizziness

  • Reduced hearing

If you’ve got any of these symptoms, reach out to your GP for a private consultation before attempting any home remedies. It’s important to identify that the cause of the symptoms is actually ear wax blockage before you diagnose yourself and start self-treating.

Head to a private medical centre and a doctor will quickly be able to diagnose whether you have ear wax build-up. They’ll simply ask a few questions about your symptoms and look inside your ear. They’ll then easily be able to spot whether there is any excess wax clogging up the canal.

What is microsuction ear wax removal?

Microsuction ear wax removal is a treatment where the doctor removes ear wax using a compact suction device while looking into your ear. They’ll look into the ear with a binocular microscope which offers a really clear view of the ear canal, making it easier to get rid of the ear wax with low-pressure suction.

This treatment has become increasingly popular over the years as it’s safe and pain-free for the patient. Many people also find it a lot more comfortable than ear syringing.

What are the main benefits of microsuction ear wax removal?

Wondering what gives microsuction wax removal the edge over the traditional method of ear syringing? Here are some of its major benefits:

  • It offers doctors a clear view of the ear. The binocular microscope used with this treatment means doctors can clearly see the ear canal and the presence of wax. This makes it significantly easier to get rid of all traces of it. Safety-wise, it’s always better to have an accurate view of the area being treated.

  • Unlike the ear syringing method, you won’t need to use ear drops before your appointment. Prior to your ear syringing appointment, you’ll need to use ear drops to soften the wax for at least a week beforehand. This makes it possible for the wax to be removed with the syringe. If you don’t put in the prep work, the wax may be too hard to remove and you may need to rebook. With a microsuction wax removal appointment, you don’t need to do any preparation. The suction device is able to remove wax safely without the need for pre-lubrication.

  • It’s a neater treatment with no messy water used. Ear syringing involves water being flushed into the ear, but there’s no need for that with microsuction. Not only does this reduce any risk of infection, but it also makes for a more comfortable experience for patients.

  • It’s safe for perforations. For those who have a perforated eardrum, microsuction ear wax removal is the safest treatment option. It is the most accurate method for wax removal and there is no risk of anything being pushed into your eardrum.

  • It gives your doctor a chance to examine the inner ear for any infections or perforations. Thanks to the binocular microscope, your doctor will be able to carry out a more thorough ear examination to treat your ear appropriately. Ultimately, this is much safer than ear syringing or ear irrigation where the inner ear isn’t examined for any issues.

  • The microsuction treatment is comfortable and pain-free. Unlike ear syringing, which is known to cause discomfort to some patients, microsuction is a more comfortable method of wax removal. However, it’s important to mention that private ear syringing isn’t painful either. With both methods, make sure you remain still throughout the procedure to avoid any damage to the sensitive inner ear area.

How often is ear microsuction required?

Most patients just get this treatment done when their ears are blocked with wax. However, you can also choose to have it done on a regular basis to keep your ear canals clear and prevent blockage in the future. Find your nearest private medical centre to get your ears checked. If you’re more prone to ear wax buildup, they may advise regular microsuction treatments to help keep the problem at bay.

Are there any safety risks?

With the microsuction method of wax removal, risks are rare. However, as with any medical procedure, there are things that can go wrong. If you move suddenly during the course of the treatment, you risk damage to your ear canal or eardrum. This can be avoided by remaining still throughout.

It’s also worth mentioning that the procedure can be on the noisy side so you may temporarily feel an impact on your hearing. However, this is minimal and your hearing will soon go back to normal.

How does microsuction removal compare to private ear syringing?

One of the key differences is that there is no water being squirted into your ear canal. With ear syringing, the aim is to get rid of excess wax by pushing water into the canal to flush the wax out. This isn’t always as effective at getting all the wax out as a microsuction treatment. Also, there’s no way to see inside the canal in the same way.

Without checking the inside of the ear beforehand, ear syringing could result in perforation or infection. However, it’s important to point out that this is extremely rare and most ear syringing appointments don’t cause any issues.

Ultimately, the microsuction treatment is the safest method for ear wax removal. The gentle suction removes wax accurately without the need to push any water inside the canal. The clear view that the microscope offers makes the entire process safer as medical professionals can easily spot any issues inside the ear.


At Duality Health, we have a team of doctors that have years of experience providing both ear syringing and microsuction ear wax removal. To find out whether you need ear wax removal, book in for a private consultation today.